Welcome to Innovator!

Innovator: SDSU's Advanced HPC Cluster

Welcome to SDSU Research Cyberinfrastructure's new HPC cluster, Innovator. This cutting-edge system, running on Linux Rocky 9 and powered by advanced Intel processors, boasts a high-velocity communication network for seamless data transfer and complex task coordination. Innovator's versatility shines through the integration of standard CPU processors and NVIDIA A100 GPUs, all connected via a high-speed InfiniBand network. With 105 nodes divided into four distinct partitions—bigmem, compute, gpu, and quickq—Innovator provides a dynamic platform tailored to various scientific explorations and intensive computational tasks, ensuring unparalleled speed and efficiency for your research needs.

Requesting Access to Innovator

The initial step for utilizing RCi's High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems begins with completing the onboarding form. Subsequently, users primarily interact with these systems through a terminal interface, which offers the flexibility to develop custom programs for sophisticated analyses. Additionally, RCi facilitates interactive engagement with the HPC resources through platforms such as Jupyter Hub, MATLAB, and other applications, accessible via Ondemand. Upon request, RCi can arrange a brief onboarding session to cover new login procedures, storage details, and other pertinent information, thereby enhancing the efficiency of your research computations.

First Time Access to Innovator (Command Line / SSH)

The login process has been updated to accommodate fully qualified domain names, streamlining access for all South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) institutions. To connect to the Innovator.sdstate.edu system, simply use your preferred terminal emulator, such as Putty, Terminal or Command Prompt.

Login Instructions


Welcome to the secure login portal for faculty and staff. To access your account, please follow these simple steps:

1. Username: Your unique username is formed by combining your first name, a period, and your last name, followed by our domain. For instance, John Doe would use john.doe@jacks.local followed by @Innovator.sdstate.edu:

ssh john.doe@jacks.local@Innovator.sdstate.edu

2. Password: Enter your password in the provided field.

Example of a successful login command:

C:\Users\john.doe> ssh john.doe@jacks.local@Innovator.sdstate.edu

john.doe@jacks.local@innovator.sdstate.edu's password:
Last login: Tue Dec 19 13:45:32 2023 from

[john.doe@jacks.local@cllogin002 ~]$ pwd

Note for Remote Users: If you are accessing from outside the SDSU campus, please replace @jacks.local with your respective institution's domain, such as @usd.local or @MINES.LOCAL (this is case sensitive).


Students should follow the same procedure using their student account credentials. For example, a student named John Doe would log in as jdoe@jacks.local. See the example below.

ssh jdoe@jacks.local@Innovator.sdstate.edu

If you encounter any technical issues or have any questions, please put in a request here: https://help.sdstate.edu/TDClient/2744/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=53689

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Fri 12/15/23 1:06 PM
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