Creating a Personal Conda Environment

Users of the Innovator cluster may use system Conda environments that HPC administrators have set up. Alternatively, you can set up your own Conda environment in which you can install a custom set of packages to fit your needs. To set up your own Conda environment, you can do the following:

Install the Anaconda 64-bit installer in your /home directory. You can wget the installer here:

Once downloaded, run the script and choose a location within /home to install Anaconda. The default location will be in /home/domain/username/anaconda3, but you can change this to anywhere in your /home directory.

Once the installer completes, run: /home/domain/username/anaconda3/bin/conda init

Then do a source ~/.bashrc

From there you should be able to do a conda create -n envname where envname is the name of your new environment, then conda activate envname to activate it. Then, you can run commands like conda install packagename, etc. once the environment is activated to install packages within your environment.

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