SDBOR HPC Project Intake

What is it?

The South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) High-Performance Computing (HPC) Project Intake form is intended to gather essential information from the researchers when they first engage with HPC at South Dakota State University (SDSU).  This information helps the Research Cyberinfrastructure (RCi) team at SDSU to ensure that we provide a tailored experience for your research needs.  RCi appreciates your time in filling out this intake form.

Who can use it?

All authorized users such as SDBOR faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students working within the SDBOR Higher Education Institutions.

Where can I find it?

You can fill out the intake form here: Intake Form or by clicking the Request Service button on the upper-right of your screen.

How much does it cost?

Currently, there is no charge for this service.

How long will it take to get access to services once I fill out the form?

Access is usually granted within 1-2 business of SDSU RCi getting the request.  Once the request has been processed, you will receive an email from SDSU stating that your access has been approved or denied containing additional instructions and other information.

Policies and Guidelines

SDBOR Research Data Retention (pgs. 148-149):

Request Service


Service ID: 53041
Sat 1/28/23 12:39 PM
Wed 12/13/23 9:47 AM