
What is it?

Duo Two Factor Authentication is an additional step in security that the University has implemented to help protect your account from falling into the wrong hands. 

Who can use it?

Employees, Students

Where can I get it?

No request needed, Duo is added to your account automatically. 

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for this service.


Contact the Support Desk by email or phone (688-6776) or in person in Morrill Hall Room 131


Related Articles (5)

If you have a device that is currently enrolled in Duo and is working, you can add a secondary Duo device or manage your existing Duo devices
How to download Duo Mobile to your phone
How can I authenticate with Duo if my phone is not compatible with Duo Mobile?
Your old phone that had Duo on it was lost, damaged, stolen or replaced
How to use a Duo Hardware Token and where to buy one