Zoom: Panopto Cloud Recording Transition Q&A


Where did my Zoom Recordings go?



Zoom is not going away. However, Zoom cloud recordings will now be hosted in Panopto rather than Zoom. Beginning 1/8/2022 all Zoom cloud recordings are automatically copied to Panopto. Beginning at a future date TBD all Zoom cloud recordings will be automatically removed from Zoom after 1 year from creation.

We strongly recommended that all personnel log into Panopto ASAP to facilitate a smooth transition. Please log into Panopto here: http://media.sdstate.edu/

Where are my recordings?

  • Recordings made before 1/8/2022: Will be available in Zoom for 1 year after creation beginning TBD and must be moved to Panopto manually.
  • Recordings made between 1/8/2022 & your first Panopto login: Will be available in Panopto once you login to Panopto @ http://media.sdstate.edu/ for the first time.
  • Recordings made after your first Panopto login: Will be available in Panopto in My Folder > Meeting Recordings.
  • All Panopto content: Will be available in Panopto for three years after the date it was last accessed.

How do I access & share my Zoom recordings via Panopto?

Zoom recordings made after 1/7/2022 have been imported to Panopto for you, but you will need to take action to share them with viewers. Information for accessing and sharing recordings is available here: How do I use Panopto to share Zoom Cloud Recordings?

How do I move my old Zoom recordings to Panopto?

Zoom recordings made before 1/8/2022 must be added to Panopto by the recording owner manually. To do so:

  1. Access your Zoom recording by logging into your Zoom account and navigating to My Recordings.
  2. Click the title of the recording you would like to download:
    zoom recording download screenshot
  3. Click the “Download” button:
    zoom recording download screenshot
  4. Upload your recording to Panopto:

Why aren’t my Zoom recordings showing up in Panopto?

Zoom recordings made after 1/7/2022 are automatically uploaded to Panopto. Accessing them is detailed in the How do I access & share my Zoom recordings via Panopto? section above.

Zoom recordings made before 1/8/2022 are still stored in Zoom and must be added to Panopto by the recording owner manually.

Panopto Resources

SDState; Panopto resources, training, and FAQs:  



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Article ID: 136022
Fri 1/7/22 5:01 PM
Sat 2/11/23 10:50 AM

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